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    • Role of psychological background in cancer susceptibility genetic testing distress: It is not only about a positive result.
    • López-Fernández A, Villacampa G, Salinas M, Grau E, Darder E, Carrasco E, Solanes A, Velasco A, Torres M, Munté E, Iglesias S, Torres-Esquius S, Tuset N, Diez O, Lázaro C, Brunet J, Corbella S, Balmaña J.
    • J Genet Couns. 2023 Feb 7. doi: 10.1002/jgc4.1687. Epub ahead of print.
    • Clinical and laboratory genetic counselor attitudes on the reporting of variants of uncertain significance for multigene cancer panels.
    • Chang EY, Solomon I, Culver JO, Gorman N, Comeaux JG, Lerman C, Quinn EA, Ekstein T.
    • J Genet Couns. 2023 Feb 6. doi: 10.1002/jgc4.1680. Epub ahead of print.