Thank you so much for your contribution to Your support towards maintaining and enhancing the quality of the site is very much appreciated.
If would like to suggest new or modified features, topics, conditions, syndromes, and/or directions for, please let us know here. As a supporting member, we certainly will give greatest priority to your suggestions over those of any others.
Along those same lines, we would like to know who best to design and customize the future direction of for, that is, find out who our loyal, supporting members are. So if we could ask one more favor, please go to this form and provide information about your occupation/specialty and the number of years of your practice (or even if you're just an interested "layperson"). Thank you again for your support.
(Setting up a password is just a formality of the mechanics of the website at present, and you will not have to remember or use it, as there is no place to log in as long as remains open to all, which it is better able to do because of your support.)