"Portfolio" of my skills, duties and accomplishments as
Genetic Counselor / Research Coordinator
while at the
Orange County Cancer Education and Research Foundation
Because my then-supervisor no longer works and the OCCERF no longer exists, I realize that there is a gap for checking referrals and vetting my experience from my time at this position. I discovered that I had saved a number of documents and other materials from this period. I thought that these would help to illustrate my experience in developing and operating these programs. For that reason, I have scanned and assembled a "portfolio" of these saved materials, to demonstrate my skills, duties and accomplishments, and to supplement the information provided in my resume.
Click any image in these pages to see the enlarged file. Click the resulting image to enlarge further. Use your brower's Back button to return to this page.
General Materials on the Cancer Genetics Program and the Risk Assessment Study/Program
(Scroll down; continues below.)
Newsletter coverage / Marketing and Education Materials
Educational Presentations
2000 Cancer Program Annual Report
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center (FVRHMC)
Click Page 8, below: lower two paragraphs of right column describe the Risk Assessment Program/Study I developed, ran and completed.
Click Page 9, below: top right item describes the Cancer Genetics Program I developed.

Letter of support (at the time of establishing the programs) from my then-supervisor, Dr. Justice, Medical Director of the Orange County Regional Cancer Center
Click page to enlarge.
(Click resulting image again to further enlarge.)
Cancer Genetics Program brochures
Orange County Cancer Education and Research Foundation
I wrote all of the text/copy of these brochures. (I did not provide graphic design, only in consultation. Please note the age of these brochures and, hence, do not judge the currency/accuracy of the information, only the writing style.)
Click images to read the brochures.

Progress Report, Risk Assessment Program/Study
I wrote the text of this report. I developed the study in collaboration with the other authors. Of that described in the report, I developed the bulk of the materials—study design, surveys, questionnaires, patient and provider educational materials, etc.—and carried out the consultations, risk assessments, data collection and analysis, with some support from the other authors.
Click page to enlarge; again to enlarge further.
FVRHMC Poster announcement of Risk Assessment Study abstract selected for ASCO Conference
Click image to enlarge.
ASCO email confirming abstract
Click page to enlarge.
Abstract on ASCO website
I wrote the abstract, with editorial support from the other authors.
Click page to enlarge.
Risk Assessment Study paper as submitted
I wrote the primary and main drafts of this paper, collaborating with and receiving editorial support from the other authors.
Click page to open/read study's PDF.